Staff will recognise, praise and reward all pupils each lesson when it is clear they have met the high expectations set by each member of staff.
Pupils will collect achievement points incrementally throughout the year, which can then be exchanged for different rewards. Achievement points will be in the form of a reward stamp in student planners.
Pupils’ achievement effort and behaviour will also be recognised and celebrated in the following ways:
Achievement points/stamps
Postcards home
Star of the week for each House Team
Attendance draws
Positive phone calls home
Ongoing certificates
Golden Ticket
House Brunch
Y11 Going for Gold reward scheme
Rooftop Barbecue
Celebration Assemblies
Celebration Evenings
Rewards Shop
The rewards shop allows pupils to be able to use the stamps they have in their planners in exchange for an item of their choice. Each item is allocated a points value, students have the option every half-term to either save or spend the stamps they have been awarded during the academic year.
How the Shop works
Use your stamps in your planner to spend in our shop.
Place your order - Tuesday or Thursday Break 1 and 2.
We will deliver the next day - Wednesday or Friday.
WHA Rewards Shop open last week of every half-term.
Open Tuesday or Thursday Break 1 and 2.
Year 11 Rewards
Students are rewarded for their lesson 6 attendance by bridging the gaps in their own learning and pushing themselves to get better. Teachers also nominate students for specific areas of classwork or effort where they have shown strong determination to succeed.
We have a Lesson 6 rewards system in place at the Academy.
How It Works:
Pupils have a Lesson 6 stamp sheet (shown above) that needs to be glued into their planner. Each Lesson 6 equals one stamp.
For each lesson 6 attended pupils are given a stamp. Once students reach 20 lesson 6 sessions they are rewarded.
The rewards then move to Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. By this point pupils will have actually attended 65 additional hours of learning which is excellent.
Bronze 10 stamps
Silver 50 stamps
Gold 75 stamps
Platinum 100 stamps
Pupils also go into a prize draw and can win tutor prizes ranging from Domino's Pizza lunch to a non school uniform day for their tutor group.
The pupils that achieved the highest grades last year attended at least 3 Lesson 6 sessions a week. Please encourage your son/daughter to attend as it is an expectation that pupils fill the gaps in learning to improve their knowledge on a subject area.
Rewards on offer:
Free Lunch
5 Gift voucher
Dominoes Pizza Lunch
McDonald's Lunch
Hollywood Bowl
Non School Uniform Day
Prom Ticket
Y11 ‘Going for Gold’
‘Going for Gold’ will reward, and recognise, those Y11 pupils who have strived for success over their five years at the Academy. It is based solely around progress and encourages all pupils to achieve their full potential. Pupils who have exceeded their targets – will receive their ‘Going for Gold’ badges and further rewards. We have a comprehensive lesson 6 and revision programme in place to support all pupils and ensure they reach, or indeed exceed, their targets – by accessing these all pupils can aim to achieve the Gold standard. Level 2 rewards will be given to all Gold members after their PPEs in March. The final Gold and Platinum rewards will be given after the GCSE results at a celebration assembly in September. We look forward to sharing and celebrating the pride and success of our students with you.