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All students are expected to attend 100% of the time.

Year Teams and tutors will provide students with information relating to attendance on a weekly basis.

Students will be required to record their own attendance in their student planners.

Parents/carers of students who are deemed as persistent absentees (less than 90% attendance) will be required to work with the academy to improve attendance.

The academy will not authorise any holidays in term time except in exceptional circumstances.

The academy will use the fixed penalty system and in extreme cases, the courts to ensure attendance.


Parents/Carers are asked to telephone the academy on the first morning before 9:00am of a student’s first day of unexpected absence.

The Form Tutor has the responsibility for keeping the official attendance register. Parents/Carers should advise attendance of any approved expected absence (e.g. dental appointment), and if a student is absent from the academy unexpectedly, send a short letter of explanation on the return of the student.  The attendance can be contacted on 01482 826207 ext:3307 or

Students are also electronically registered in every lesson. If the whereabouts of a student is unknown, then you will be contacted as soon as possible; this may be in the form of a text message or phone call.

If your child is returning to the academy with an injury that may cause difficulties in allowing them to access the curriculum or an injury that may hinder their mobility, it is essential that you contact your child Year Team.  A risk assessment will be conducted and any additional support or alternative arrangements can be implemented.


Students arriving late (after 8:30am) will enter via the attendance doors. Their attendance will be noted and parents/carers will be informed, by text, of their late arrival. In order to ensure good health and safety practices it is especially important that pupils arrive on time in the mornings.

Year Teams/Tutors will be informed of the late arrival.

Late detentions will be supervised by your child's period 5 teacher.

The academy places great emphasis on:

  • Regular attendance

  • Punctuality

  • Smart appearance

  • Being prepared for learning

  • The need to show courtesy, consideration and respect to others