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Teaching & Learning



The PSHCE programme of study incorporates personal, social and health education, citizenship, work-related learning, careers, enterprise and financial capability. PSHCE involves understanding risk in both positive and negative terms and the ability to manage risk in relation to relationships, health, finance, enterprise and career choices.


  • To provide opportunities for all students to learn and to achieve.

  • To promote students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and prepare all students for the opportunities and experiences of life.

  • To provide opportunities for students to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes to help them become confident, responsible citizens, with respect for the values and beliefs of others.

  • To take advantage of and make available labour market (LMI) resources to students.

  • To enable students to develop the skills and qualities to allow them to become ‘work ready’.

  • The subject is brought to life by inviting lots of outside agencies in to contextualise classroom based learning with the ‘real world’.

    • PCSOs (Police Community Support Officers)

    • Drugs Workers

    • Sexual Health Workers

    • University Student Ambassadors

    • Hull City Council

    • Local and national business people

    • Charity workers, to name a few

  • In relation to meeting the Gatesby Benchmarks, students also benefit from encounters with further and higher education establishments such as local colleges and sixth forms, as well as apprenticeship providers. Local and national business visits take place in PSHCE for all students, year 7 to 11.

Teachers are all totally committed to our students’ learning experience and spend time resourcing quality and interactive lessons which appeal to all styles of learning, to include the following activities:

  • Pair and group work

  • Thinking skills

  • Listening and speaking activities

  • Video clips, songs and TV programmes

  • Debate and discussion, to name a few



PSHCE 2024-2025 Overview



Students are taught in mixed ability groups about the following topics:

  • Careers and Work Related Learning – they learn about, labour market information (LMI) including development of research skills relating to job requirements, they develop skills and qualities (linked to the Learner Profile), including communication, teamwork and resilience skills.

  • Sex and Relationships Education

  • Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco Education

  • Bullying/Friendships

  • Healthy lifestyles – Risk relating to road and rail safety, E-safety, Careers and Work Related Learning

  • Enterprise and Decision Making projects

  • Personal Financial Education

  • Citizenship - Rights and Responsibilities, environmental issues


Students are taught in mixed ability groups about the following topics:

  • Career Education and Work Related Learning - for example, Year 11 students produce C.V.s as well as, job, apprenticeship /and college applications using the LOGONMOVEON application process. Year 10 students produce letters of interest in preparation for mock interviews with local business leaders. Labour market information (LMI) including research into specific job requirement.

  • Healthy lifestyles – including Drugs, Smoking and Alcohol Education

  • Risk - including Homelessness, Gun and Knife Crime, Sexual Exploitation

  • Relationships – including Sex Education

  • Citizenship – The Law, Crime and Punishment, Government and Democracy

  • Career Education – including Work Related Learning, for example C.V. writing / job, apprenticeship and college applications, revision skills. Year 10 pupils also embark on preparation for work experience placements.

  • Enterprise and Decision Making Projects