This Academic Year
Academic Year 2024-2025
In addition to the statutory National Curriculum subjects we provide opportunities in: Art & Design, Business, Childcare, Construction, Drama, Dance, Engineering Health & Social Care, Motor vehicle Maintenance, Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHEE), Psychology, Sociology, Sport and Travel & Tourism. We aim to give our students an education of quality that is diverse, exciting, challenging and meaningful.
Students requiring additional support may be placed in specialist supported groups or access support through their normal timetabled lessons. Our focus is enabling all students to reach their potential. Additional support is reviewed regularly and adjusted where necessary.
PSHEE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) will be delivered within the themed approach, in collaboration with a range of external providers, including the Health service and local business.
A strong theme emphasised throughout the academy is Education for life in the adult world. Thus Careers, Enterprise, Health and the Work Related Curriculum, Economy and Financial Management is delivered through an extensive programme of Citizenship and PSHEE, which has specific timetabled lessons in all Years, which concentrate on IAG and progression.
In Key Stage 4 all students develop an Action Plan for their future, supported by the Careers Advice service, identifying skills, experiences and qualifications they will need to follow for their chosen career. The academy uses the local area prospectus and common applications procedures to aid progression post 16.
All students take core subject examinations at GCSE level, or equivalent at the end of Year 11. Units of vocational qualifications are completed as appropriate to individual students throughout years 10 and 11. By the end of Key Stage 4 all students will have followed qualifications, leading to at least 8 GSCE equivalents.